Microsoft Azure

ACI Worldwide's Fraud Management Solution is Now Available via Microsoft Azure Marketplace

With the accreditation, ACI's solution would now be able to be sent rapidly and straightforwardly from the Azure Marketplace, significantly quickening and disentangling the manner in which clients can start utilizing the contribution. The move comes in light of a quick changing worldwide extortion scene, expanding tension on monetary foundations to adjust rapidly, augment operational efficiencies, and moderately expanded dangers.

ACI Fraud Management conveys undertaking misrepresentation of the board abilities, including progressed machine learning, predictive analytics, and expertly characterized rules, to help banks and mediators recognize and moderate monetary extortion and help diminish the consistency trouble in all structures. These incorporate any semblance of ongoing installments, web and mobile banking, onboarding threats, trader gaining, and even interior misrepresentation—inside a solitary exhaustive solution.

The solution's model generator abilities empower business clients to make and keep up their own predictive machine learning models in practically no time. The contribution was as of late improved with network knowledge, engaging the monetary network to work together, burn-through extortion insight straightforwardly from the organization, and manufacture hybrid machine learning models.

“Today’s rapidly-evolving fraud environment requires organizations to act quickly. Through making ACI Fraud Management available as a fully certified private offering via the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, our customers can streamline deployment and accelerate fraud prevention measures,” said Cleber Martins, global product line manager, Payments Risk Management, ACI Worldwide.

“A highly available deployment of a mission-critical solution, like real-time fraud prevention, requires diverse skills and project orchestration; and delays are usually faced because of small misalignments,” said Ciaran Chu, head of public cloud, ACI Worldwide. “Automating this deployment is also about assuring that best practices will be enforced, and success is predictable.”

About ACI Worldwide:

ACI Worldwide powers digital payments for more than 6,000 organizations around the world. More than 1,000 of the largest financial institutions and intermediaries, as well as thousands of global merchants, rely on ACI to execute $14 trillion each day in payments and securities. In addition, myriad organizations utilize our bill presentment and payment services.



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