Security versus productivity: Exploring the double-edged sword of the cloud

Adopting cloud technologies has become a common strategy among organisations across all sectors taking the road towards digital transformation. The benefits are evident: businesses that maximise all that the cloud has to offer often see a significant improvement in productivity.However, the journey is not without its stumbling blocks and organisations that fail to prepare will all too often end up taking one step forward, two steps back. Migrating to the cloud presents an array of security and implementation risks which must be resolved if the technology is to be truly taken advantage of. The implementation of any new technology often presents plenty of bugs which must be dealt with. Ignore these issues, and businesses will find themselves falling foul of hackers who will capitalise on any chinks in an organisations armour.
So, as organisations transition to the cloud, they face a number of strategic challenges. To what extent should they adopt hybrid multi-cloud technology platforms? How do they keep data safe? And how can they foster a progressive culture that enables them to maintain IT security and drive productivity.



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