Cloud Security

The Rising Threat to Consumer Data in the Cloud

December 29, 2022

Imagine that you are starting a family and you want to stay on top of your finances so you can manage your budget for your growing family. Because you have too many accounts for banking, loans, subscriptions, and bills to keep track of, you decide to sign up for a service that aggregates all your accounts in one place. When you register your account online, you follow the instructions carefully. You create a strong, unique password and set up multifactor authentication. You enter your bank account and loan information, home address, and other personal information. Your spouse also signs up, and you create a joint family account that combines your information.


cloud o كلاود أوو

Cloud Computing and Open Source service provider

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Emerging trends in wireless infrastructure

whitePaper | April 12, 2022

5G, the fifth-generation cellular technology, is being deployed around the world. 5G is a transformational technology designed to provide significant flexibility and support a variety of use cases. This paper describes the emerging infrastructure trends of wireless networks for 4G, 5G, and beyond 5G. These trends provide even more opportunities to service providers for network deployments, network customization, and network optimization. These key trends include (i) spectrum trends, (ii) densification & coverage extension methods, (iii) virtualization and cloudification, and (iv) network customization and intelligence.

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Multi-Cloud Whitepaper

whitePaper | February 23, 2023

Similar to IT technology, the development of the cloud is accompanied by digital transformation, and has experienced trials and explorations entering the era of comprehensive practices at the current stage. While enterprises are enjoying the agility and innovation provided by cloud services, there are a series of challenges and pain points that come with it. Most enterprises cannot simply abandon existing systems and build entirely new platforms on the cloud. They must consider the requirements and limitations of talent, technology, cost, compliance, security, environment, etc., before transforming and building IT systems with multi-cloud visioning to support the sustainable development of businesses.

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Optimizing highspeed market analysis in the cloud with infrastructure as code

whitePaper | May 9, 2022

As the financial markets move faster and remain volatile, quantitative analysts grapple with evergrowing data sets and the complex infrastructure needed to generate alpha and manage risk. With the need to process more data and act on opportunities faster, increasing compute speed, performance, and scalability in the cloud is crucial to gaining a competitive advantage

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Serverless Application Lens

whitePaper | December 16, 2019

The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the pros and cons of decisions you make while building systems on AWS.1 By using the Framework, you will learn architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective systems in the cloud. It provides a way for you to consistently measure your architectures against best practices and identify areas for improvement. We believe that having well-architected systems greatly increases the likelihood of business success.

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whitePaper | April 8, 2022

The Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Public Cloud is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering with an architecture that is based on industry standard best practices, and ensures that our customers’ data and infrastructure is secure in the public cloud.

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The Era of Multi-Cloud Services Has Arrived

whitePaper | May 18, 2022

Companies are choosing to deploy apps and consume services on the clouds that best suit their business objectives. This model, known as multi-cloud, uses two or more public clouds, two or more private clouds, or a combination of public, private and edge clouds to distribute applications and services. Multi-cloud strategies offer several advantages, from increased resiliency and agility to data sovereignty. A key benefit is that organizations can leverage a specific cloud provider’s bespoke capabilities and services to further transform their application stacks.

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cloud o كلاود أوو

Cloud Computing and Open Source service provider
