Effectively Deploying Kubernetes on Hybrid Cloud

Effectively Deploying Kubernetes on Hybrid Cloud


Kubernetes is a key enabler of cloud-native applications which are meant to be portable and capable of running on any underlying infrastructure whether it is on-premises, in the public cloud, or on the edge. However, Kubernetes is enormously complex to deploy and operate at scale in a single cloud. Running in a hybrid environment adds more complexity and risk.

In this webinar, Jay Lyman, Principal Analyst, Cloud Native and DevOps, will discuss the benefits of deploying Kubernetes for hybrid cloud infrastructure, and the challenges enterprises face. He will be joined by Sirish Raghuram, CEO, Platform9 to cover:
  • Key drivers for container adoption
  • Challenges of deploying Kubernetes
  • Why Kubernetes for hybrid cloud?
  • The benefits of a services-based deployment model
Speakers :
Jay Lyman, Principal Analyst
451 Research
Sirish Raghuram, CEO

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