What will drive 2020 in cloud governance? In a hybrid world, a solid strategy is key

Now that we are a few weeks into 2020, we should consider what lies ahead in the ever-evolving world of cloud governance. What seems certain is that when it comes to IT governance there is still the same need to balance the benefits of agility and speed which come from decentralisation, against key business risks be they security and/or cost management.
In fact, what is meant by cloud governance really depends on where you sit within an organisation. Microsoft has produced some interesting content on these different perspectives, which they have boiled down into five disciplines.From my perspective, I think mostly around cost management and cost optimisation. Obviously, if you sit within a security related function within a company or are a vendor of security tools, cloud governance means something quite different. The other factor impacting perspective is where you stand on the so-called ‘cloud journey’. If you are still working on migrating your first workloads to the cloud you will have a completely different outlook than if you have been in the cloud for the last 10 years and built your entire business model from the ground up in the public cloud.



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