Data Virtualization to Survive a Multi and Hybrid Cloud World

Hybrid cloud computing is slowing becoming the standard for businesses. The transition to hybrid can be challenging depending on the environment and the needs of the business. A successful move will involve using the right technology and seeking the right help. At the same time, multi-cloud strategies are on the rise. More enterprise organizations than ever before are analyzing their current technology portfolio and defining a cloud strategy that encompasses multiple cloud platforms to suit specific app workloads, and move those workloads as they see fit.
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A CTO’s Guide to Severless Cloud Security, Agile DevOps, and Automated Compliance on AWS


Serverless architectures for flexible, continuous delivery in cloud environments have significantly increased in popularity. And while the benefits of a serverless architecture are significant, the new application paradigm changes how companies need to approach Security, DevOps, and Regulatory Compliance in the cloud. Join Robert Berger, CTO & SVP Engineering at Omnyway, and Patrick Pushor, Director of Sales Engineering at Dome9 as we discuss the key considerations in moving to a serverless cloud and the use of microservices to deliver robust cloud security.
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Get Started Now with Extreme Automation: A Conversation with IBM and WDG Automation

IBM acquired WDG Automation in mid-July. Why?! Join us for this first post-acquisition conversation with IBM and WDG Automation to discuss the key role RPA and AI play in helping organizations solve three key operational challenges: volatile customer demand, disrupted industries, and employees struggling to get work done in new
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Cloud Economics: Lowering the Cost of Running Databases on AWS Cloud

Amazon Web Services

Most likely, your organization is not in the business of running data centers, yet a significant amount of time and money is spent doing just that. AWS provides a way to acquire and use infrastructure on-demand, so that you pay only for what you consume.
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Migrating the Most Demanding Enterprise Workloads to Cloud Azure NetApp Files An update


Background: A large estate of enterprise applications are file-based, that don’t have much of a choice but to run on expensive on-premises infrastructure. Migrating to cloud is hard, and often falls short of customers' high expectations around performance, reliability, compatibility, and integrated data management.
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