Cloud is one of the fastest areas of technology spend growth across the organization, so much so that many C-level executives are experiencing a phenomenon known as ‘Cloud Shock’. The moment of realization that you’re spending way more on cloud than you thought and you’re unable to answer difficult questions on why. In this short webinar, ‘Have you had your ‘Cloud Shock’ moment yet?’ Snow shows you how to: Get visibility of your entire organization’s cloud consumption.
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Office Hour: Google Cloud Digital Leader

Are you interested in cultivating your Google Cloud skills so that you can contribute to strategic cloud-related business decisions? Or maybe you want to validate your knowledge of cloud fundamentals by differentiating the various capabilities of Google Cloud core products and services.
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How Fast-Growing Retailers Can Transform their Tax and Finance with the Cloud

Retail is increasingly global – with many retailers generating an ever-growing number of transactions across multiple jurisdictions. But that also means grappling with a number of global, regional, and local regulations, rates and tax requirements. Against this backdrop, there is a clear need to simplify and automate tax process
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How Red Hat OpenShift & Cloud Paks can speed your cloud adoption

For the last few years, public cloud has been the pat answer to the question, "Where should I run my workload?" But in reality, twenty percent or less of enterprise workloads have actually moved to the public cloud. So what's slowing enterprise cloud adoption? In this webinar, IBM Distinguished Engineer Michael Elder lays out th
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How to Modernize your Data Analytics on Google Cloud Platform

The world is moving to data-driven businesses and it is increasingly becoming so with the advent of Covid. Over the last 20 months, data-driven business models have increasingly grown at a faster rate. With the new offerings that are available on platforms as a service like BigQuery, it’s very easy to code or program different requirements for analyzing the data to be able to get the most out of the Datawarehouse and build it quickly.
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