How Partners Can Build a Bridge Between On-Premises and Cloud

As Australia settles on a state of hybrid cloud adoption, customers are seeking new ways to maximise investments. Today, businesses are motivated by higher sales, lower costs and increased profitability, placing new demands on the channel. Yet legacy technologies continue to hamper such progress, as customers struggle to transition away from outdated systems and ageing infrastructure. In response, partners must leverage IT infrastructure capabilities to drive customer innovation, backed up by improved security, control and visibility across applications and data. This ARN Webinar, in association with Microsoft, will outline how partners can build a bridge between on-premises and cloud, leveraging new technologies to meet changing customer demands.
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SAP S/4HANA Cloud and Component Manufacturing


S/4 HANA Cloud and Component Manufacturing. Learn how SAP S/4HANA Cloud is uniquely designed to improve plant maintenance with real-time analytics and mobile capabilities, optimize plant operations with real-time Plant Management Overview dashboards, provide sophisticated Quality Management with predictive analytics, and more.
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3 Reasons Why VMware Cloud Foundation is Optimized on Pure Storage

Pure Storage and VMware help organizations quickly automate, scale and modernize their digital business. Pure makes VCF simple, agile, resilient, and efficient. Join us to learn how VCF and Pure are better together.
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Get Started Now with Extreme Automation: A Conversation with IBM and WDG Automation

IBM acquired WDG Automation in mid-July. Why?! Join us for this first post-acquisition conversation with IBM and WDG Automation to discuss the key role RPA and AI play in helping organizations solve three key operational challenges: volatile customer demand, disrupted industries, and employees struggling to get work done in new
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How to Reduce Public Cloud Storage Costs


While moving to the public cloud provides for almost unlimited storage, the costs for this scalability can take a healthy bite out of any company’s IT budget. Is it any wonder that CIOs and other IT leadership feel trapped between a rock and a hard place.
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