How SaaS Infrastructure Improves Customer Experience

Every SaaS company understands that happy customers are the bottom line. Customer experience is therefore a top priority and by far one of the biggest brand differentiators. The business model of SaaS providers depends on the successful and innovative use of information technology. If there are any issues with customer experience or any gaps in performance, it all comes down to their IT infrastructure.
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DataRobot AI Cloud 8.0: Innovation to Navigate Unpredictable Markets

Businesses across all industries are facing unpredictable challenges and uncertainties. DataRobot AI Cloud 8.0 is the mission-critical innovation that empowers organizations to navigate changing market conditions, drive clear business results from accelerated growth, reduce operational costs, and improve customer engagement.
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Hybrid Cloud Management using ServiceNow

Aspire Systems

Are you on a public private or hybrid cloud? It’s doesn’t matter anymore, managing cloud is easier than ever. Watch this on-demand webcast on hybrid cloud management to learn how ServiceNow eliminates your cloud management challenges and allows you to easily manage your cloud infrastructure.
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Global Cloud Security and Compliance Trends: What to Expect in 2022

Cloud computing is sweeping across industries and a majority of organizations are moving to the cloud in order to scale and innovate. However, when managed improperly, it can also expose your organization to a wealth of sophisticated cyber threats.
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Architect your cloud application using azure functions


Ever wondered about reducing your cloud cost, where your company pays a huge amount every month. Day by day the cost increase exponentially. As an architect, if you can design your project where you can save cost to the company as much as 90% then you are in for a treat from your company. In this webinar, we will be looking into a real-time example where you can use different serverless technologies available in Azure to save your cloud cost.
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