On-demand webinar on data-driven approaches for a successful cloud migration

IDC states that nearly 40% of companies are not confident in their ability to move data to the cloud. We recently hosted a live webinar with Microsoft to discuss the challenges of cloud migration and how data analytics can be used to optimize it. The webinar, titled “Reimagine, Reorganize, Reinforce – 5 Data-driven Approaches for a Successful Cloud Migration,” featured Microsoft’s Vamshi Kommineni, Group Product Manager
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Journey to the Cloud, Self-Service BI, and Data Lakes with Data Virtualization

Denodo DataFest, the premier agile data management and analytics conference, returned once again to New York and London in 2018. Our annual user conference brings together industry analysts, subject matter experts, business leaders, data management leaders to discuss data strategies to enable a successful journey to the cloud, self-service BI, and data lakes with data virtualization. The event invited attendees to watch demos, hear customer success stories, and educate themselves on the best practice implementations of data virtualization.
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Data Protection Considerations for Multi-Cloud Environments

The benefits of turning to the cloud are numerous; scalability, control, flexibility, and power to name a few. While transitioning to the cloud has many strong points, there are still the challenges of data and application protection.
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Your S/4HANA Cloud Test Drive


S/4HANA Cloud . This step-by-step presentation will give you the keys to your own trial version of SAP S/4HANA Cloud and all the instruction needed to experience it firsthand.
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Multi-Cloud Strategy and High Value Workloads: VMware Software and Dell EMC Converged Infrastructure Systems

Developing a cloud strategy is a top issue for infrastructure and operations leaders. But success isn’t about choosing between private or public clouds, it’s about simultaneously leveraging both. To thrive in this multi-cloud world, you can adopt new hybrid cloud solutions for a common operating model across these diverse environments. This will yield all the practical benefits of cloud, while assuring that every workload, especially high-value mission critical workloads, get the specific services they need.
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