Taming the storm clouds: managing network security across the hybrid and multi-cloud estate

Good old perimeter security, enforced by traditional firewall protection, is now combined with distributed firewalls, public cloud native security controls and third-party security services. The shared-responsibility security model means that IT organizations need to assume accountability for the data and overall security posture, as this is not exclusively the cloud providers’ responsibility. Today, more than ever, enterprise security teams are challenged to stretch their tried-and-true security policies to their extended deployments. They lack visibility across this growing estate, they can’t keep up with DevOps, and they are unable to properly analyze risk. They need integrated security policy management solutions for hybrid-cloud environments.
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Another Bucket Bites the Dust Simplifying AWS Cybersecurity


With the rapid rise of web application attacks, which is the number one source of data breaches, securing cloud-based web applications is a challenge. In order to fully protect your web applications in the cloud, it is important to know the risks, select the right security tool, and understand your role in the shared responsibility for security.
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Securing Your Assets in the Cloud: Best Practices for Businesses

Listen to this on-demand webinar with Mike Saurbaugh, head of security for Corning Federal Credit Union and securitycurrent research director, alongside noted IT security analyst Richard Stiennon and JD Sherry, Trend Micro Vice President of Technology and Solutions, and learn best practices for securing your assets in the cloud.
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Webinar: Cloud Computing in 2019, What to Expect?


Protecting business-critical applications is not a choice – it’s inevitable to uphold business performance. Why do business-critical apps need to be protected? Challenges in protecting them 5 considerations to protect business-critical apps Protecting business-critical apps with Vembu BDR Suite
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How to Declutter Your Company Data Forever

Discover, Map, Classify any data anywhere and start to properly govern your data for all purposes.Most modern data challenges revolve around visibility and order of data. Once you have full visibility into your data and you have properly mapped it everything becomes easierWatch the on-demand webinar to find out how declutter your data forever using: ic-text-arrow-2 Discover structured and unstructured data in the cloud and on-premises.
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