Succeeding at digital business in the new normal: why application and infrastructure monitoring is more essential than ever

Succeeding at digital business in the new normal: why application and infrastructure monitoring is more essential than ever


For many businesses, applications and services have become increasingly important in recent weeks, and, in some cases, potentially the only way to earn revenue in today’s new normal.

During these uncertain times, market conditions are continuously changing. Moving to cloud native apps and infrastructure is the core of IT readiness, and the ability to scale up or down to meet demand is critical to your success. In fact, in a recent 451 Research survey about the early impacts of COVID-19, 41% said they were feeling an increased strain on IT resources. Failure to scale could cost you heavily.

76% of consumers surveyed by 451 Research said they are likely to switch providers due to poor website or app performance. When every customer -- and every dollar -- matter, ensuring great user experiences has never been more important.

In this webinar, Dynatrace Vice President of Product Marketing Ajay Gandhi and 451 Research Senior Analyst Nancy Gohring discuss how to:

Deliver experiences customers demand using real-time insights on which features drive business results
Ensure continuous automation of manual, redundant work so teams can spend more time innovating
Provide advanced observability across dynamic cloud environments for a single source of truth across apps and infrastructure and enable more precise, faster troubleshooting
Establish a unified view and lingua franca for Ops, Apps and Biz teams for more effective cross-team collaboration

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