Cloud App Development

Taos' Cloud Platform Foundation accelerates enterprise digital transformation

Even when the public cloud offers creative, scalable, and economical solutions, the majority of firms find it challenging to develop the skills, devote the resources, or put plans in place to move workloads to that cloud architecture effectively. This frequently results in stalling cloud-based projects as a business tries to deal with the associated logistical and operational challenges.

Taos has established the Cloud Platform Foundation to aid businesses in completing cloud efforts more quickly and successfully. In this program, Taos matches a company with top professionals who can help the organization identify its present and future needs in order to create a design and strategy for collaborating with a particular cloud service provider.

Business partners are guided through an iterative process that proceeds through five essential phases—discover, plan, create, migrate, and operationalize—using Taos' own Navigator Methodology. With the help of the Cloud Platform Foundation, a company may meet growth objectives more quickly, acquire a future-proof cloud architecture, reduce migration risks, and enable faster releases thanks to advanced CI/CD pipeline procedures and tools.

"We commit everything to our relentless focus on serving our customers and delivering the best available technology platforms that meet their needs. That's what spurred the development of the Cloud Platform Foundation, which is built on our deep technical expertise and backed up by proven results," 

Taos CEO, Hamilton Yu.

Organizations that invest in Cloud Platform Foundation can quickly achieve operational maturity in the cloud or in a multi-cloud environment by utilizing Taos' industry recommendations. In addition, by creating a future-proof architecture, a company can migrate more quickly and risk-free and begin reaping the rewards of cloud adoption earlier.

"Taos partnered with Gaia engineering to design and deploy a new hybrid cloud OpenShift environment with speed and precision to align core business objectives," said Justin Morant, Principal Engineer at Gaia.


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