Cloud Computing: The New Strategic Weapon

May 20, 2019

Every executive has heard the pitch for cloud computing, including the storied accounts of the huge savings that come with the technology. But unless project leaders focus on establishing the strategic value and long-term measures of success, these investments will fail to deliver the expected ROI. Research giant Gartner found that cloud computing ranked as the top technical priority of CIOs in 2011i and rightfully so. Transitioning data and applications into vendor supported clouds can cut costs. The U.S.


Data Concepts

Data Concepts is a dynamic consulting boutique focused on client engagement, technological transformation, and the power of data. Offering deliverable-based, project solutions and specialist consultants, Data Concepts brings white-glove service to clients of all sizes, from Fortune 500 corporations to startups looking for experience that will give them an edge in their marketplace.

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SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

whitePaper | October 18, 2022

SAP Data Warehouse Cloud was conceived by SAP as a product to close a specific gap in its portfolio, namely that of a data warehouse-related solution in the Cloud domain.

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IPU Based Cloud Infrastructure

whitePaper | December 31, 2022

2020 will go down in history as the year the world met with one of its most significant challenges in nearly a century – the great coronavirus pandemic. The resulting situation can be aptly described by the term “VUCA,” an acronym standing for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. In other words, the world faced a crisis.

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Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing

whitePaper | November 26, 2019

The buzz surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) is hard to ignore. Huge data sets and large amounts of compute are the perfect match for deep learning, astonishing us with algorithms that have beaten grandmasters at games of chess and Go. Today, with access to no more than a web browser, the benefits enabled by breakthroughs in image and speech recognition not to mention machine translation and more are just a few clicks away. There’s the growth of the cloud to consider too. We’re depositing more and more of our data on virtual drives that make it easier to share, back-up and transfer information providing us with new opportunities both in the office and at home. But what do machine learning and cloud computing mean for scientific research? How can these tools help researchers to manage and navigate the vast datasets generated by increasingly sophisticated detectors and experiments? At big science facilities, data streams that used to be megabits per second are now hundreds of times faster, sometimes even more, as detector upgrades come online and new instruments are installed. That’s a lot of data to analyse and verify.

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AWS Outposts High Availability Design and Architecture Considerations

whitePaper | August 12, 2021

This whitepaper discusses architecture considerations and recommended practices that IT managers and system architects can apply to build highly available on-premises application environments with AWS Outposts. This paper is intended for IT managers and system architects looking to deploy, migrate, and operate applications using the AWS cloud platform and run those applications on premises with AWS Outposts. It introduces the architecture patterns, anti-patterns, and recommended practices for building highly available systems that include AWS Outposts. You will learn how to manage your AWS Outposts capacity and use networking and data center facility services to set up highly available AWS Outposts infrastructure solutions. AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that provides a logical pool of cloud compute, storage, and networking capabilities. With Outposts, customers can use supported AWS managed services in their on-premises environments, including: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), Amazon Simple Storage Service on Outposts (Amazon S3 on Outposts), and other AWS services on Outposts. Services on Outposts are delivered on the same AWS Nitro System used in the AWS Regions. By leveraging AWS Outposts infrastructure solutions, you can build, manage, and scale highly available on-premises applications using familiar AWS cloud services and tools. AWS Outposts is ideal for workloads that require low latency access to on-premises systems, local data processing, data residency, and migration of applications with local system interdependencies.

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whitePaper | April 15, 2020

It is not unusual that the Cloud is regarded as a major driving force of modern IT. After all, being used in thousands of business applications, it has changed the way companies operate completely. And it is gaining momentum. There are predictions that the term itself will become obsolete by 2025. Why? Because a world predominantly running on cloud computing is but a vision of a new everyday reality. In other words, we are looking towards a time when most systems are cloud-driven, making it redundant to state that this is so.

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Serverless Application Lens

whitePaper | December 16, 2019

The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the pros and cons of decisions you make while building systems on AWS.1 By using the Framework, you will learn architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective systems in the cloud. It provides a way for you to consistently measure your architectures against best practices and identify areas for improvement. We believe that having well-architected systems greatly increases the likelihood of business success.

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Data Concepts

Data Concepts is a dynamic consulting boutique focused on client engagement, technological transformation, and the power of data. Offering deliverable-based, project solutions and specialist consultants, Data Concepts brings white-glove service to clients of all sizes, from Fortune 500 corporations to startups looking for experience that will give them an edge in their marketplace.
