Cloud Security

The Ethics and Security of Cloud Computing

October 17, 2022

Nearly four thousand years ago, Hammurabi engraved the laws of Babylon onto a stone plinth and revolutionized the codication of law. Today, lawyers of all walks of life are engaged in a new revolution, with the ability to practice law armed with nothing more than a tablet device and an internet browser—a revolution brought about, in large part, by the rise of cloud computing.



Gigamon offers a deep observability pipeline that harnesses actionable network-level intelligence to amplify the power of observability tools. This powerful combination helps enable IT organizations to assure security and compliance governance, speed root-cause analysis of performance bottlenecks, and lower operational overhead associated with managing hybrid and multi-cloud IT infrastructure. The result: modern enterprises realize the full transformational promise of the cloud. Gigamon serves more than 4,000 customers worldwide, including over 80 percent of Fortune 100 enterprises, 9 of the 10 largest mobile network providers, and hundreds of governments and educational organizations worldwide.

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An Introduction To Securing a Cloud Environment

whitePaper | April 30, 2022

While Cloud services offer flexibility, scalability and economies of scale, there have beencommensurate concerns about security. As more data moves from centrally located server storage to the Cloud, the potential for personal and private data to be compromised will increase.

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Why Multi-Cloud is Imperative to Any Modern Data Strategy

whitePaper | September 7, 2022

Today, organizations are increasingly seeking technologies that simplify the deployment of their application workloads in a multi-cloud design to get lower TCO, build best-of-breed solutions, and avoid vendor lock-in. Whether to optimize the costs of running and managing private cloud or to enable developer velocity to efficiently build the modern, intelligent applications of tomorrow, the benefits of multi-cloud offerings are an attractive proposition for enterprises.

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Building the Cloud Metro

whitePaper | June 14, 2022

The acceleration and convergence of IT and communications innovations are unlocking new revenue opportunities for service providers. In 5G, the biggest differentiation will come from the introduction of standalone 5G cores and 5G Advanced capabilities, much of it aimed at enterprise use cases and much of it just beginning. Cloud adoption continues globally, with the migration of cloud from core to edge set to underpin many of the emerging 5G use cases. This migration will also help transform the communications service provider (CSP) networks themselves.

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High-performance File System Solutions for Hybrid Cloud Infrastructures

whitePaper | October 12, 2022

Delivering greater performance and scalability to hybrid cloud infrastructures, a hybrid cloud platform provides the flexibility to integrate the existing NAS architectures with Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) without relinquishing execution.

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AWS Outposts High Availability Design and Architecture Considerations

whitePaper | August 12, 2021

This whitepaper discusses architecture considerations and recommended practices that IT managers and system architects can apply to build highly available on-premises application environments with AWS Outposts. This paper is intended for IT managers and system architects looking to deploy, migrate, and operate applications using the AWS cloud platform and run those applications on premises with AWS Outposts. It introduces the architecture patterns, anti-patterns, and recommended practices for building highly available systems that include AWS Outposts. You will learn how to manage your AWS Outposts capacity and use networking and data center facility services to set up highly available AWS Outposts infrastructure solutions. AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that provides a logical pool of cloud compute, storage, and networking capabilities. With Outposts, customers can use supported AWS managed services in their on-premises environments, including: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), Amazon Simple Storage Service on Outposts (Amazon S3 on Outposts), and other AWS services on Outposts. Services on Outposts are delivered on the same AWS Nitro System used in the AWS Regions. By leveraging AWS Outposts infrastructure solutions, you can build, manage, and scale highly available on-premises applications using familiar AWS cloud services and tools. AWS Outposts is ideal for workloads that require low latency access to on-premises systems, local data processing, data residency, and migration of applications with local system interdependencies.

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CNCF cloud native security whitepaper May2022

whitePaper | May 6, 2022

The technology industry has shifted towards patterns of development and deployment that are seen as “cloud native”. Simultaneously, the ecosystem of technologies, products, standards, and solutions is expanding, challenging decision makers to remain abreast of complex designs.

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Gigamon offers a deep observability pipeline that harnesses actionable network-level intelligence to amplify the power of observability tools. This powerful combination helps enable IT organizations to assure security and compliance governance, speed root-cause analysis of performance bottlenecks, and lower operational overhead associated with managing hybrid and multi-cloud IT infrastructure. The result: modern enterprises realize the full transformational promise of the cloud. Gigamon serves more than 4,000 customers worldwide, including over 80 percent of Fortune 100 enterprises, 9 of the 10 largest mobile network providers, and hundreds of governments and educational organizations worldwide.
